Connect Cruisers Car Show - Car Registration Form

Event day Car Check-In will be from 9:30 - 11!
To check your car in on event day, please have your $20 car registration ticket purchased and this form filled out and submitted.

Personal Info

Car Information

Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, entrants, participants, and spectators by execution of this entry form, release and discharge CONNECT CHURCH INC, and anyone else connected with the management or presentation of the CONNECT CHURCH INC CONNECT CRUISERS CAR SHOW from any and all known and unknown damages, injuries losses, judgements, and/or claims from causes whatsoever that may be suffered by any entrant to his/her person or property. This form also gives CONNECT CHURCH INC,  permission to use photo of entrant, and his/her vehicle in any promotional material.